
Edeltraud Rohnfeld: Stoel Yoga
Dutch edition (2020)
Panta Rhei, 18.50 €
ISBN 978.90.8840.215.9
» Website Panta Rhei NL

Edeltraud Rohnfeld: Chair Yoga
Paperback, 2011,
Singing Dragon,
£12.99 / 14.99 €
ISBN 978-1-84819-078-8
» Website Singing Dragon

Get the APP: Chair Yoga

App now available in Apple´s APP Store...

DVD: Chair Yoga

Join Edel in her DVD with easy to follow step by step exercises that can be performed at any time by virtually anyone. With nearly 30 years experience of teaching and practicing yoga, Edel guides you through over 30 different exercises taken from her recently published book. Chair yoga can be performed at home and even in the office, and has the same benefits as Classic Yoga on the mat. Order the DVD now! You can buy it with Paypal: